Sunday, June 19, 2011



Bone tired!  I'm home - happy - but tired.  Mind you I'm one of those people who crawl into bed early (you know as you age you need more beauty rest...heaven knows I need a lot) At the retreat I would go to bed late (for me...) but couldn't sleep until way after MIDNIGHT!  And - this is the best part...I was awake at 5am each morning...except for today - slept in until 5:45.  I don't know how but I managed to function - and quite well I might add.  I sewed, I entertained, I laughed, I was happy!

Remember I said I was taking my resolution for June with me.  The Double Wedding Ring?  The pile of parts?  Well check this out!

I have one more row to add.  I had said that I would like to make one of these for each of my 3 grandchildren...Well guess again!  What a PITA!   They might get a 3 ring table runner! 

Then I started a new project - remember Cinco de Mayo?  Well I DID try.  My thought was 2 blocks maybe 3.  HAAAAAA  I made ONE...

It took me 14 hours to finish it.  Has anyone heard of "Y" seams in a PP pattern?  I had no clue how to work that out.  First section I DID try to sew them...THAT didn't work.  Then I tried piecing it in a different order and make the 2nd section in 5 different section then sewed them together.  BUT I worried that this one section wouldn't fit on to the the 3rd time I decided to fold it under and move on.  This method worked the best.  So AFTER FOURTEEN HOURS (not sewing nonstop - but sewing a LOT) I had results.  Decided that boring DWR wasn't as bad as I thought.  rofl!

As soon as some people post pictures of the retreat I'll snag them and tell you all about it tomorrow.


1 comment:

Heather said...

You did awesome at your retreat!! Lots of progress!